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The Best Tech: Relationships

  • The best technology (in our experience) has little to do with bits and bytes.  It has to do with people.
  • The engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and programmers who work through our firm are vital members of their community.  They are human beings, not commodities.
  • Our team is made up of experienced practitioners with proven track records in their respective fields.
  • As such the path ahead for our firm relies on the formation of productive, vital, and profitable engagements with our customers and team members.

Why Open Path?

Open Path Software, Inc. has been profitable and in business for 12 years now.  Our strategic plan carries us forward into the next 30 years.  We are here for the long haul.

How We Operate

  1. Listen
  2. Collaborate
  3. Deliver
  4. Goto (1)

Nerding Up and Nerding Out

  • “Nerding up” on the latest tech is fun.  It is vital and important as practitioners in our field.  The right “new thing” applied at the right time in the right way can transform lives, organizations, and businesses.
  • Neverthless, the wrong tech done the wrong way for the wrong reasons? Disappointment, waste, and loss.


  • Options, choices, and “shouting voices” can often lead to overwhelm, particularly when things are made to look so … “easy”.
  • We’ve gotten really good over the years at cutting through to the core issues facing organizations and businesses.
    • We know what computer technology can fix.
    • We know what it cannot (should not) fix.
    • See Steps (1) and (2) above in “How we Operate”.

Engagement Structure

Our services and engagements with customers are reported as affordable and competitive within the industry.

  • Previous companies include organizations with employee counts under 3 and greater than 30,000.
  • We provide a clear and concise process for estimation, delivery of services, and completion of work.
  • We use project management tools that promote transparency, communication, and continuous assessment.

Together we will formulate a strategy.  Partner with us.

Arranging symbols and transforming them into solutions since 2006.
© 2018 Open Path Software, Inc.