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Praxis instead of Panic

Application providers care about security.  We intimately understand the realities of business, customer demands, and deadlines.  We live it.

  • As teams become overwhelmed with workloads and resource shortages security can unintentionally become a 2nd class citizen.
  • It doesn’t have to any more.  We have the tools, experience, and people to fill in the gaps.

Data Application Security Figure 01      OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks (above)

Our Services

  • Managed application security monitoring and scanning
  • Application security development and consultation
  • Heavy lifting for repair, remediation, and extension to existing software lead by experienced and professional software developers

Regardless of the application stack, programming language, or platform there are opportunities for you to exploit.

Data Application Security Figure 02

  • Don’t throw it out
  • Don’t port it to another language
  • Don’t re-write it all from scratch
  • Cost effective and affordable options exist

Together we will formulate a strategy.  Partner with us.

Arranging symbols and transforming them into solutions since 2006.
© 2018 Open Path Software, Inc.