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Cloud Migration(s)

  • Any budget in any capacity
  • We can move pieces and parts of application infrastructure (incrementally over time) or the proverbial kitchen sink (at once)
  • You have choices. You have options.

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  • Analysis, planning, and project management of migration(s)
  • AWS Account setup and management
  • Virtual Private Cloud setup and provisioning
  • Notification setup for billing, services, and alarm notifications

Things we’ve migrated

  • Application Stacks to (Virtual Machine) EC2 Instances
  • In house databases to RDS (Relational Database Service)
  • Assets (documents, images, and archives) to S3 (Simple Cloud Storage Service)
  • Notification subsystems to Simple Notification Service

Together we will formulate a strategy.  Partner with us.

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Arranging symbols and transforming them into solutions since 2006.
© 2018 Open Path Software, Inc.